A deep shade of black fabric is one of the most prominent features of our Classic Deluxe doctoral outfit. Our Classic Deluxe collection uses our Deluxe style pattern and features. Traditional style pleats, double-bell sleeves, a deluxe button and cord on the back with zipper front closure give this hand-crafted and custom-tailored outfit a distinctive appearance. Rich black velvet doctoral panels and bars are clearly visible against the black fabric of the gown.
The proper cap to be worn with the doctoral outfit is either the traditional mortarboard or black velvet tam with a gold metallic tassel
Your outfit would not be complete without the doctoral hood. Traditional style and shield style hoods featuring a black shell with satin lining and velvet trim in the color representative of the degree conferred edges the hood.
University Cap & Gown maintains an inventory of Deluxe Doctoral Regalia for immediate shipment.
Deluxe gowns from University Cap & Gown offer full fluting over the shoulders, broad rich velvet panels and doctoral bars, distinctive front pleated panels, zipper closure and a deluxe braided button and cord. These are just some of the features that make our academic regalia a preferred choice by the academic community.
Information for Member Institutions New England Buying Consortium